White Fillings

Floresti’s Best Dentist for White Fillings
If you have some minor tooth decay, you may be a good candidate for white fillings. White fillings, also called “composite fillings” or “tooth-colored fillings”, are used to restore minimally decayed teeth. They can also be used to change the shape, color and size of teeth in a process called “bonding.”

Replace Silver Fillings with Composite White Fillings

White fillings replace the silver fillings of yesteryear and allow us to create a better aesthetic result while eliminating tooth decay, restoring your tooth to health. During our routine teeth cleanings and cosmetic dentistry, we encounter a lot of people with silver fillings who wonder if they’re safe.

Four Reasons to Choose White Fillings Over Silver Fillings

1. More conservative. You take away less of the tooth to do this whereas silver requires drilling more deeply.
2. More aesthetic. Looks better! You’ll hardly notice them.
3. Increases the strength of your teeth. White fillings actually adhere to the tooth and strengthen it.
4. No mercury! Stay away from the caustic effects of mercury.

Contact our dental clinic in Floresti to see if white fillings are right for you.

Dincolo de valoarea estetica a unui zambet frumos, sanatatea orala este foarte importanta pentru sanatatea generala a unui adult. Conform studiilor, aproximativ 75% dintre adulti privesc cu un anumit grad de anxietate o vizita la stomatolog.

La RainbowDent am creat totul pentru a va primi intr-un mediu relaxant si o atmosfera destinsa.

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