Restore Your Smile With Floresti’s Top Provider for Dental Crowns, Dental Bridges, & Implant Restorations
Dental crowns, bridges, and implant restorations can help you restore cracked, chipped, or broken teeth. If you’re looking to have a dentist in the Floresti area help you with this, we’d be happy to answer any questions you may have – so feel free to give us a call at 0746 341 613!
What is a Dental Crown and Why Would You Need One?
A dental crown is often a great way to restore a broken or cracked tooth, or a tooth that’s had a root canal. Oftentimes, once your old fillings are removed it will create a very fragile tooth that can no longer support a bigger filling; covering it with a crown or “cap” is recommended. The crown surrounds the whole tooth preventing it from further fracture and is cemented into place. Our crowns are made without the use of metals so no unsightly grey will show at your gumline.
What is a Dental Bridge?

A dental bridge will often be a choice when it comes to replacing a missing, broken or non-restorable tooth. Dr. Barron carefully evaluates the teeth on either side of the space to determine if the bone, tooth and gums are healthy enough to support a bridge. The teeth will then be prepared for crowns and a fake or “pontic” tooth is made to replace your missing tooth. This is one solid piece of crown-work that is cemented onto your teeth. Bridges are not removable and can restore function to your bite and beauty to your smile in as little as two visits.
Preserve Jawbone with Implant Restorations
If your jaw doesn’t have a tooth in it, it recedes away the bone. Your jawbone needs to have a purpose, and an implant gives the jawbone purpose again. This allows you to preserve bone, and restore functionality is comparable to a normal tooth.
Call Us Today to Regain Your Smile!
Do you have any questions about whether or not a dental crown, bridge, implant, or maybe even porcelain veneers are right for you?
Call us at 0746 341 613.
Dincolo de valoarea estetica a unui zambet frumos, sanatatea orala este foarte importanta pentru sanatatea generala a unui adult. Conform studiilor, aproximativ 75% dintre adulti privesc cu un anumit grad de anxietate o vizita la stomatolog.
La RainbowDent am creat totul pentru a va primi intr-un mediu relaxant si o atmosfera destinsa.
Viziunea noastra este sa devenim un cabinet de succes, recunoscut pentru standardele inalte de calitate, serviciile excelente si echipa foarte prietenoasa.
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