Dental prostheses

A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues.
A denture is a removable replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissues. Two types of dentures are available, complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain.

Full denture is used when a jaw misses all teeth. It is a movable structure that replaces all the teeth when used and can‘t be fixed by prosthodontics restoration onto implants. In some cases 2 or 4 implants can be placed beneath the full denture making really almost immovable using precision joints.

The partial denture is used when a jaw misses several teeth and we can‘t restore the gaps using dental bridges or implants. Its construction is based on the remaining teeth in various ways such as precision connectors. It can be metal or plastic.

Most people who need mobile dentures are also candidates for dental implants. Implants are the best stabilization of mobile denture which is not well stabilized because of the atrophy of the jaw bone (especially mandibular). It is a fact that although removable dentures are a pretty effective way of replacing lost teeth, they can usually present great difficulty in their stabilization. At Rainbow Dent we can recommend various treatment plans according to each case.

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