Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers can be a great option for misshaped, stained, short/long, or worn down teeth. Gapping and spacing may also be addressed with the application of veneers. We remove minimal tooth structure to allow for a thin layer of porcelain to be bonded directly onto your original tooth. Our veneers generally can be completed in just two appointments from our dental office in Thornton!

Your Dental Office For Porcelain Veneers in Floresti
The Top Benefits of Porcelain Veneers:

1.Permanently bonded onto your natural tooth structure.
2.Requires removal of less tooth structure than a full crown with all the aesthetic benefits.
3.Not bulky. They’re thin!
4.All white. No metal!
5.Fast! Typically completed in just two visits!
6.Can be an alternative to orthodontics.
7.Cover up staining that can’t be removed with teeth whitening treatments.

Porcelain Veneers – a Fast, Permanent Solution

Porcelain veneers are permanently bonded on to your natural tooth surface. Oftentimes we’re taking away less tooth structure then you would with a full crown, but still increasing the aesthetic look of your teeth. Best of all, they’re not bulky! You’ll hardly even notice them!

Call the office today to schedule an appointment!

Dincolo de valoarea estetica a unui zambet frumos, sanatatea orala este foarte importanta pentru sanatatea generala a unui adult. Conform studiilor, aproximativ 75% dintre adulti privesc cu un anumit grad de anxietate o vizita la stomatolog.

La RainbowDent am creat totul pentru a va primi intr-un mediu relaxant si o atmosfera destinsa.

Viziunea noastra este sa devenim un cabinet de succes, recunoscut pentru standardele inalte de calitate, serviciile excelente si echipa foarte prietenoasa.

Alege sa zambesti din toata inima!


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