Good overall health is linked to good oral health. Regular teeth cleanings can aid you prevent painful and costly cavities, gum disease and bad breath.
Our Teeth Cleaning and Routine Check-up Includes:
An evaluation for your teeth and gums,
A check-up on your bone levels,
Making sure there’s no plaque or tartar that can cause bad breath or cavities,
A thorough scrub down above the gum line,
Learn How to Take Care of Your Teeth!
Our dentists will teach you how to take care of your teeth between cleanings. This will hopefully help you from getting cavities and having to get
white fillings. Regular flossing and good dental hygiene can help you keep your smile for a lifetime! Teeth cleanings are a standard part of our approach
Benefits of Teeth Cleaning
1. Keep your gums healthy
2. Help prevent cavities
3. Keep your teeth strong by removing bacteria
4. Fresh breath!
5. We always do an oral cancer screening
Maintain Good Oral Health with a Regular Teeth Cleaning at Rainbow Dent!
Schedule your Teeth Cleaning Appointment Today!
With our private rooms, free WiFi, and access to TV cable and movies, Rainbow Dent is the coolest place to get your teeth cleaning in Floresti! If you haven’t had a teeth cleaning in a long time, don’t be embarrassed. We’re here to help.
Call us to schedule an appointment: 0746 341 613.
Dincolo de valoarea estetica a unui zambet frumos, sanatatea orala este foarte importanta pentru sanatatea generala a unui adult. Conform studiilor, aproximativ 75% dintre adulti privesc cu un anumit grad de anxietate o vizita la stomatolog.
La RainbowDent am creat totul pentru a va primi intr-un mediu relaxant si o atmosfera destinsa.
Viziunea noastra este sa devenim un cabinet de succes, recunoscut pentru standardele inalte de calitate, serviciile excelente si echipa foarte prietenoasa.
Alege sa zambesti din toata inima!