Periodontal Care

Periodontal care take care for you periodontal status with regular visit to the dentist
Nonsurgical treatments

If periodontitis isn't advanced, treatment may involve less invasive procedures, including:
• Scaling. Scaling removes tartar and bacteria from your tooth surfaces and beneath your gums. It may be performed using instruments or an ultrasonic device.
• Root planing. Root planing smoothes the root surfaces, discouraging further buildup of tartar and bacterial endotoxin.
• Antibiotics. Your dentist may recommend using topical or oral antibiotics to help control bacterial infection. Topical antibiotics can include antibiotic mouth rinses or insertion of gels containing antibiotics in the space between your teeth and gums or into pockets after deep cleaning. However, oral antibiotics may be necessary to completely eliminate infection-causing bacteria.

Surgical treatments

If you have advanced periodontitis, your gum tissue may not respond to nonsurgical treatments and good oral hygiene. In that case, periodontitis treatment may require dental surgery, such as:
• Flap surgery (pocket reduction surgery).
• Soft tissue grafts
• Bone grafting.
• Guided tissue regeneration.

After a thorough diagnosis, the dentist will suggest the ideal treatment plan for each case, and explain the process and the prognosis of the treatment which will take place. Visit our clinic today for free periodontal examination.

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